“Let Antioch Voters Decide” initiative signature drive GETTING CLOSE

We’re in the home stretch, can’t let up now!

Please turn in completed petitions.

Hello all,

1.         Congratulations.  We’re in the home stretch. But we’re not done.

2.         Any petitions you or others have filled out must be returned to us so that we can count and verify them.

3.         The developers/Richland’s competing initiative is on the streets.  Ours is the “Let Antioch Voters Decide” initiative.  Theirs is the “West Sand Creek” initiative.

4.         Please, please, please come to Food Truck Thursdays (6-8pm at Prewett Center (4703 Lone Tree Way)) to turn in petitions and to sign the petition.  We need your signatures now.  If all of our Facebook followers got one other person to sign the petition we’d be done.

Thanks so much for supporting the “Let Antioch Voters Decide” Initiative.  We’re getting close.  We’ll tell you more about this amazing initiative qualification period before long.  But two weeks ago when the developers paid signature gatherers hit the streets, suddenly things got difficult.  Aggressive paid gatherers, competing for locations, camping in parking lots, upsetting store managers. And asking people to help stop development—that’s the message that works.

Imagine that community groups basically need to gather 15% of the signatures of registered voters.  Then the developer introduced their competing initiative, and they’re trying to gather another 15% of the signatures of registered voters.  That’s a third of Antioch’s registered voters.  Our most common message has become “I’ve already signed.”

We’re not trying to discourage anyone from signing either petition. That’s too complicated.  That contest can play out during a campaign.

This we know:  a lot more people are aware of the Sand Creek area and development projects in Antioch now. The city council should be playing close attention. Both initiatives capture that residents are fed up with badly managed growth, traffic and stretched services.  Even the developers’ initiative proposes to restrict development—just not as much as ours.

Our hope is to be done in the next week or two. We’re all tired but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve met some amazing people and there are some great stories.  once we turn in signatures, we’ll plan a get together to thank all the volunteers.

So…Keep on collecting, but if you have any petitions filled out, turn them in to us. Please remember to fill out the Declaration of Circulator on the back.

Thank you all very much!

Michael, Selina, Tina, Liz, Margaret, Dick, Juan Pablo, Seth, Joel, Lesley
Steering Committee
Antioch Community to Save Sand Creek