Michael Amarosa

“Empire Mine Road is the prettiest three miles in Antioch!”

Many many folks from Antioch, East CoCo-County, and afar, utilize our regional parks for recreational zen-recharging. Walking, running, biking, hiking, and camping are just a few examples of these activities. This open space, west of Kaiser Hospital would not only be a gem and asset to the City and its citizens, but to the entire region!

Just feet behind this Sand Creek riparian forest of century-old valley and coast-live oaks, developers want to build over 1300 homes in this section alone NOW! If the City of Antioch gets its way, they could eventually build up to 4000+ units in the entire Sand Creek Focus Area. This CANNOT happen for many good reasons.

Please share with your friends to help, not only LIKE, but to advocate, be informed, and join this worthy and noble cause!! TY?