Coming Soon
404 West Fourth St., Antioch, CA 94509
FPPC # 1404058
(925) 947-3535 x 34
Ask the City of Antioch to Continue to Be a Partner in Defending Measure T
The City of Antioch has been making some worrying moves over the past couple of […]
Developer Sues over Our Landslide Measure T Victory
As we expected, our landslide Yes on Measure T (the Let Antioch Voters Decide Initiative) […]
Antioch Community to Save Sand Creek is a coalition of Antioch residents and environmental groups, including Save Mount Diablo, California Native Plant Society, Greenbelt Alliance and Sierra Club. We want to keep our community informed about what's going on in the Sand Creek Focus Area. If you want to influence things and take action, you should join us. Thanks!